Best Indian children storybooks on Amazon

Grandma’s Bag of Stories Illustrated short stories, traditional Indian folk tales for all ages for children of all ages by Sudha Murty

Many of us are still enthralled by memories of a grandmother narrating tales about animals and enigmatic beings. Grandma’s Bag of Stories by Sudha Murty is a joy. Anand, Krishna, Raghu, and Meena arrive at their grandparents’ house in Shiggaon at the opening of the story. Ajji and Ajja (grandmother and grandfather in Kannada) are overjoyed, and Ajji is busy preparing delicious refreshments for the kids. Finally, when Ajji opens her large bag of stories, everyone gathers around her. She relates tales about kings and cheaters, princesses and onions, monkeys and mice, scorpions, and lost treasures.
Despite the incongruous pairing, stories make perfect sense when Gran is involved.
This book is appropriate for young children and those aged 5 and up. Colorful pictures and morals accompany the stories. The book’s clear and simple style makes reading a pleasure.